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Friday, July 22, 2011

My youtube.

This is my youtube, if you could sub that'd be cool :) I am mainly making commentaries of Runescape and maybe COD if I get a recorder :DD..


For me, the only thing I play on Black ops is Zombies. My favorite map is Shangri-La, and my second favorite is Ascension. Why do I like these two maps? Mainly because of their layout. I love that Ascension is so big, it makes for a fun run n gun map and I can solo it the best (besides kino).

On this post I want you guys to respond on what you like/dislike about Zombies, what maps you like/dislike and why. I'll type what I think about them. If you want any advice on them just ask :).

Kino Der Toten - This map is amazing for begging to play zombies. It has an easy concept, in that its wall spawns. The rooms are well put and there are a few camping spots, my favorite is if I have two people I go to the MP40 room and one person watchs bottom other watchs stairs and top. Highest solo is 34.

Five - This map was confusing for me the first few times. It is awkward because of the teleports, and the doctor taking your weapons doesn't help any. My solo routine is to go into the defcon room (pack-a-punch room) and sit there till I am overrun. When that happens I teleport out through the teleporter in the back of the room. Then repeat that. best solo is 32.

Dead Ops - This is one map that I almost never play. I dislike the type of playing it is because I prefer the FPS type shooter. So I am not the best of explanatories on this. (idk if thats a word :D)

Acenscion - This map is a masterpiece, it is the biggest of the Call of Duty: Black ops series. It's main sections are the lander areas, basically what the landers do is after you take all three of them, you can activate the pack-a-punch. (which is next to the sleight of hand lander, which I call the 2nd lander). My solo route is training all the zombies (having them all follow you) at the 1st lander (lander next to PHD flopper) then throwing grenades to blow them up. Since there is a frag spawn right next to the lander it is an amazing way to annihalate them.

Call of the Dead - This map is not one of my favorites. It does not have a monster that drops a max ammo every 5 rounds, and it is so big that its rediculous to run. I do not prefer soloing this map enless you are experienced at zombies. It has an awesome song by A7X though which i really liked. highest solo is 22

Shangri-La - This map is my favorite, it is big and cramped at the same time, so you have to be quick on your feet and smart about what you do. The box starts on one side of the map and they both end up connecting to the power room after 2 or 3 rooms. One thing I like about this map is how often it drops power ups, but the only bad part is that if you do not pick it up fast enough a monkey will come take it. If you kill the monkey before he takes it and before he touches you, you get 500 points, which can be very nice at time :P. There are two new zombies in this map, the napalm zombie: which takes alot of shots and blows up after it dies killing anybody near it and its own zombies. Then there is the screecher/avatar/speed zombie (idk the name) and it is fast, it blinds you, aswell as attacks super fast so you want to kill it ASAP. best solo is 17 lol
 I hope you guys comment on this :) thanks

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Starting off!

Hey everyone, this is my first post on my new blog. I am going to be blogging on different games varrying from Xbox 360 to computer games. My main games are Call of Duty: Modern warfare 2 and RuneScape. I play COD4, Black Ops, WaW, and MW2, but I prefer MW2 because of the amazing multiplayer. Getting out of the Call of Duty series I have played some Crysis 2, a little Halo (3, ODST, and reach), GTA4 (online only).

Since I am new I would like people to post what they want to read about, whether it be maps, class setups or any kind of advice that will help you.